For people who care about their nutrition, physical and mental health and fitness, it is very important to know which part of the chicken is more beneficial for their body and has a higher nutritional value.Chicken thighshave more calories, fat and carbohydrates than breasts, which is why some people think that this part of chicken has unhealthy meat, but this is a misconception.Chicken legsare a little softer and tastier because they have more fat. for this reason, some people are more inclined to eat this part of the chicken.

The amount of iron and zinc in thedrumsticksare higher than in chicken breast, and this has led to the nutritional value of chicken thighs equal to the nutritional value of red meat. Among white meats, chicken thighs have many properties.

People with high uric acid can eat chicken instead of red meat. On the other hand, the use of chicken is highly recommended for people with anemia. The nutritional value of drumsticks can control and treat many diseases.

Nutritional value of 100 grams ofchicken thighs:
Energy: 273 kcal
Protein: 77/21 g
Fat: 17/16 g
Cholesterol: 90 mg
Calcium: 18 mg
Iron: 1/40 mg
Potassium: 189 mg