Because thechicken breastis fat-free, it reduces the risk of heart attacks and clogged arteries. People with high blood pressure and high blood fats can eat chicken breasts instead of red meat. Of course, chicken breast can prevent high blood cholesterol as long as you remove the fat and then eat it.

One of the properties of chicken breast is its high protein content. This nutrient strengthens muscle mass in the body. foods with chicken breast does not cause obesity in the abdomen and hips. Instead, certain parts of the body, including the muscles of the body, are strengthened.

Other properties of thechicken breastinclude receiving a variety of B vitamins and nutrients including magnesium and iron. Chicken contains a lot of selenium. This substance is an antioxidant that helps form DNA in the body.
A property of chicken breast is the supply of iron needed by the body. Eating a meal of chicken fillet eliminates the body's need for 10 percent iron and magnesium. Although red meat has more iron than chicken fillet, it reduces its benefits because it raises blood cholesterol.

If you are on a diet and you want to lose weight in a short time, do not eliminate white meat from your diet. Vegetarianism is not a good way to lose weight. Since eating red meat also causes obesity and slows down the weight loss process, you can substitute fish orchicken breast.

Another property ofchicken breastis stress reduction. Because this food contains a lot of tryptophan and vitamin B5. These two nutrients are effective in reducing stress in the body. The presence of magnesium in this nutrient also reduces premenstrual pain.
One of the benefits of the chicken fillet is that it has several antioxidants that help boost the body's immune cells. This is why people who eat chicken soup when they have a cold.

Nutritional value of 100 grams ofchicken breast:
Energy: 187 kcal
Protein: 44/33 g
Fat: 41.71 grams
Calcium: 16 mg
Selenium: 20/26 micrograms
Potassium: 276 mg