Theflounderhas a dark body and it is interesting to know that both eyes of this fish are on one side of its body because the other side of its body is on the seafloor and moves sideways.
This fish has a brown body. The eyes of this fish have a field of view of 70 degrees and above. The size of this fish usually between 12 and 28 cm. Theflounderhabitat can be seen up to 55 meters deep in the sea.
Most of the body tissue of this fish is water and it is interesting to know that the amount of protein in this fish is such that by eating this fish, you can provide 50% of your daily protein needs.

1-An overall reduction in cholesterol levels in the body that protects heart health.
2-Relieve depression
3-Reduce inflammation and arthritis
4-This fish is an excellent source of vitamins such as magnesium, B vitamins and phosphorus.
5-In pregnant women, it helps to maintain the health of the fetus
6-Preventing Alzheimer's disease
7-Consumption of this fish reduces the risk of developing diabetes

Nutritional value per 100 grams:
Energy: 91kcal
Protein: 18/8 g
Fat: 10/8 grams
Cholesterol: 48mg
Natrium: 81 mg