The New ZealandHoki lives in New Zealand and South Australia at depths of 10 to 1000 meters. Its length is 60 to 120 cm. This fish has a conical body and large eyes. There is a whole-headed fin on the back of this animal, and it is a carnivore with a large mouth with sharp teeth. Its body color is pale green to blue, its belly is silver and its fins are dark, one of the important features of which is the lack of a razor.

Properties of Hoki:
1-Helps strengthen, maintain and grow bones
2-Strengthens the nervous system and memory
3-Boosting the immune system
4-Protect the heart
5-Useful for pregnant women
6-Freshness, freshness of the skin
7-Prevention of anemia

Nutritional value per 100 grams ofHoki:
Protein: 15 grams
Fat: 1 gram
Cholesterol: 32 mg
Energy: 69 kcal