Snappers are one of the most important edible fish in tropical and subtropical seas. This fish is slightly elongated and compressed on both sides.Snapperhas a heavy body with a continuous dorsal fin. The body of this fish is completely covered with shoulder scales. The head of this fish has a triangular shape and the mouth of this fish can be protruding.
Snapper has bright colors from bright red to yellow to rainbow blue. Most Snappers have a dotted color pattern, lines, or other shapes.
Snappers are mostly distributed in rocky areas and coasts of tropical and subtropical regions. This fish has a high adaptability and is an important commercial species in the Persian Gulf and the South Atlantic Ocean.

1-Help manage weight by having a high protein density
2-Prevention of heart disease through omega 3 fatty acids
3-Reduce the risk of anemia
4-Antioxidant activity can reduce stress
5-Reduce the risk of cancer and chronic disease

6-Thyroid health support
7-Increased white blood cell count
8-Reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts
9-Strengthen bone density and prevent osteoporosis
10-Lower blood pressure and risk of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and stroke
11-Stimulate cognitive function and strengthen the health of the nervous system

Nutritional value per 100 grams ofSnapper:
Energy: 104 kcal
Protein: 20.8 g
Fat: 2.3 grams
Carbohydrates: 0.1 g
Calcium: 26 mg
Phosphorus: 216 mg
Iron: 0.3 mg
Potassium: 359 mg