This fish, which is called a tooth mouse in Bandar Abbas, has two teeth similar to a mouse tooth in the forearm, and its body color is silver on the back and in the abdomen, and its scales are small.
In terms of shape, the spindle fish is delicate and elongated with small silver scales that have white and slightly razor-sharp flesh. Its body color is brown in the dorsal region and in the middle of the body and abdomen is silver and its pectoral and ventral fins are dark brown. Tigertooth croaker has a long dorsal fin that reaches close to its tail. The length of the salted fish reaches 70 cm, but it is usually between 30 and 40 cm.
Tigertooth croaker fish is one of the best fish in the south that has a little thorn and its blades can be easily separated from its meat.

1-Tigertooth croakeris rich in vitamins such as A, D, B12, B3, B6 and E.
2-It is rich in calcium and phosphorus; hence it helps to strengthen and strengthen the bones.
3-Strengthening the immune system is one of the important effects of salted fish on the body.
4-Tigertooth croakermakes the weight loss process easier.
5-This fish is energizing and uplifting, and helps a lot to reduce anger, anxiety and depression.

6-Consumption of the meat of this fish promotes the growth and strengthening of the brain, especially the fetal brain during pregnancy and the brain of children and adolescents in growing age.
7-Another of the main properties is skin health; This fish rejuvenates the skin of the face, scalp, wrinkles and helps eliminate wrinkles, pimples and acne.
8-Among the contents of salted fish, a significant amount of vitamins A and E should be mentioned. These are two fat-soluble vitamins and two powerful antioxidants. Hence, these two vitamins strengthen the body against free radicals and prevent a variety of cancers, Alzheimer's and heart disease.

9-Tigertooth croaker is heart-loving; Strengthens the heart and improves its function. helping the heart is also one of the important properties of salted fish.
10-It is interesting to know that eatingTigertooth croakercan also help treat infertility.
11-Nutritionists recommendTigertooth croakerto pregnant mothers, women with infertility, athletes and bodybuilders more than anyone else.

Nutritional value per 100 grams ofTigertooth croaker:
Energy: 104 kcal
Protein: 17/8 g
Sodium: 56 mg
Fat: 3/2 grams
Cholesterol: 61 mg