In appearance, the body of theScomberomorus commersonis spindle-shaped and its cross-section is oval. The length of this fish is usually between 120 to 240 cm. With several vertical wavy and thin strips. The feed of this fish consists of smaller fish and planktonic fish.
TheScomberomorus commersonis native to the Persian Gulf and is found extensively in Southeast Asia and the Middle East, China, Japan, Australia and the east coast of Africa.

Properties ofScomberomorus commerson:
1-This fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which prevent heart disease and protect the structure and function of cells.
2-There is a lot of protein in this fish and it is a special valuable substance for people who are deficient in protein.
3-Scomberomorus commersoncontains large amounts of phosphorus. As you know, phosphorus plays a role in bone formation with the help of calcium, and for this reason, consuming this food is very useful and noble for people with osteoporosis.

4-Iodine deficiency in people causes dry skin, hair loss and ... Becomes. There is a lot of iodine inScomberomorus commersonthat meets the needs of people for this substance and reduces the effects of iodine deficiency.
5-There is a lot of vitamin B12 in this product, which has the largest and most complex structure among vitamins. This vitamin is one of the most important vitamins in the body that plays a role in the production of body cells, and its task is to participate in replication. Are the nucleus of the cell. Cell proliferation in nerve tissue (production of nerve fibers in this tissue) and gastrointestinal tract and bone marrow is due to the presence of this vitamin.

Nutritional value ofScomberomorus commerson:
One meal contains 100 grams ofScomberomorus commerson, contains 167 calories and 3.19 milligrams of protein, which is 44% of your daily value for protein based on a 2,000-calorie diet.

If you consume 2,000 calories a day, one 86-gram serving of herring provides 57 percent of your daily value for selenium. You may get a little more or less depending on the number of calories you consume.Scomberomorus commersonalso provides 11 and 10 percent of your body's daily value of iron and potassium.