The Javelin grunter fish is spindle-shaped in appearance, with a silvery skin that sometimes turns red and has relatively large scales and relatively large bones. The back of this fish is like a hard rock and has large scales on the abdomen and sides.

This fish lives mostly in the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Aden, the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman, the Indian Ocean.The weight of this fish reaches up to 6 kg. The maximum length of this fish is 80 cm, the usual length is 50 cm.

Properties of Javelin grunter:
1-Contribute to the health and freshness of skin and hair
2-Strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis
3-Lowering blood cholesterol and clearing blood vessels

4-Curing of cardiovascular diseases and prevention of stroke and heart attack
5-Prevention of anemia and iron deficiency