The wrist of lamb is located below the knee of the sheep, which is usually flat .
The shoulder of the lamb is located in the lower half of the lamb's body and this part is usually cheaper than the thigh due to the presence of bone. You can prepare a delicious foods from this part with fragrant vegetables..

Properties of lambwrist meat:
Skin health:
The presence of omega-3 in lamb is effective in skin health and freshness and reduces skin wrinkles. Pieces of mutton contain B vitamins, choline and selenium in addition to omega-3. Vitamin B12 in meat helps maintain healthy skin and is very useful in relieving fatigue and skin firmness.
Increased bone density:
Lamb is a rich source of a variety of vitamins and minerals such as zinc, phosphorus and selenium that are good for bone mineral density.

Prevention of autism, stress and depression:
Mutton compounds contain omega-3s and vitamin B12, which are very useful in preventing children from developing autism. One of the nutritional benefits of mutton is its development in the central nervous system and brain in children. Vitamin B12 is very useful and vital for peace of mind, coping with stress and depression.
Eye and nervous system health:
lamb'smeat is rich in vitamin B2 and riboflavin, which is very useful for maintaining a healthy nervous system and eye health. Those who want to protect their vision cells can use lamb. The riboflavin in this meat protects the immune system and prevents the occurrence of mouth sores and cracked lips.
Selenium is an element that can help the body produce beneficial antioxidants. With selenium in mutton, the body can fight free radicals and also protect the human body from the risk of certain diseases. With selenium in the body, we will have better skin and a healthier body.

Nutritional value of 100 grams ofwrist meat:
Energy: 225 kcal
Protein: 9/33 g
Cholesterol: 124 mg
Iron: 2/1 gram