Incredible properties ofshrimp 51-60
Prevention of heart disease and diabetes:
Another dangerous disease that can be prevented by eating shrimp is cardiovascular disease. This property is still due to the presence of selenium. Selenium deficiency can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is compensated by eating shrimp.
Omega 3 sources:
Omega 3 is essential for the brain. Unfortunately, some people think that shrimp is a source of bad cholesterol, so they prefer not to include it in their daily diet. Many studies have shown that shrimp have different types of omega 3. 120 grams of shrimp contains 50% eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA and the same amount of docosahexaenoic acid or DHA. EPA and DHA are two types of omega 3 that play an important role in maintaining a healthy nervous system and preventing heart disease.

Anti-inflammatory substance:
According to research, shrimp contain substances such as astaxanthin and selenium that can be used as anti-inflammatory agents. Astaxanthin in shrimp is useful and useful for preventing and treating inflammation.
Increasing appetite:
It is recommended to eat shrimp in case of loss of appetite because it is rich in protein. If we eat a lot of shrimp, a substance called peptide is made. Peptides in our body can stimulate the secretion of appetite hormones such as the hormone cholecystokinin. Cholecystokinin regulates appetite. The hormone cholecystokinin is regulated by a peptide so the person's appetite returns to normal.

Nutritional value of 100 grams of shrimp:
Calories: 99 kcal
Cholesterol: 189 mg
Sodium: 111 mg
Potassium: 259 mg
Protein: 24 g