main properties ofshrimp 91-110
Stops hair loss:
Many men and women experience hair loss, a problem they could have prevented because they did not have a genetic history. In such cases, hair loss can be attributed to environmental factors and an unhealthy diet that can be easily treated. Researches show that zinc deficiency is a strong factor in hair loss that can be prevented by eliminating this deficiency. By increasing the consumption of shrimp in your diet, your body's needs for zinc can be easily met because seafood is known as one of the richest sources of zinc in the world.

Increases the number of red blood cells:
When humans think of increasing the number of red blood cells, iron is the first mineral that comes to mind. While iron is essential for the formation of hemoglobin, it is a more important nutrient that directly increases the production of red blood cells. These ingredients include vitamin A and vitamin B12. Vitamin A plays an important role in helping red blood cells to form from stem cells because stem cells can actually grow into any cell. Vitamin B12 works alongside iron to form hemoglobin and increase their oxygen-carrying potential.
High phosphorus:
Shrimp is very useful for strengthening bones. regular consumption of shrimp increases bone density and thus strengthens bones. Phosphorus is one of the essential substances for bone formation. In addition to bones, phosphorus also plays an important role in the strength and power of teeth. If we have fragile bones, our health will deteriorate.

Nutritional value of 100 grams ofshrimp 91-110:
Calories: 99 kcal
Cholesterol: 189 mg
Sodium: 111 mg
Potassium: 259 mg
Protein: 24 g