properties ofshrimp 150-200
Visual health:
Studies have shown that shrimp contain a compound called heparin, which can be effective in treating macular degeneration. Astaxanthin can also reduce the incidence of age-related vision problems.

One of the properties of shrimp is that it contains a carotenoid called astaxanthin, which can reduce the risk of various types of cancer. Selenium is another mineral that is directly linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer and lung cancer. Selenium is a key component in the production of antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase. These enzymes fight and neutralize free radicals. Selenium can also slow the growth of vulnerable and cancer cells and speed up the healing of cancer.
Shrimp has two types of antioxidants. In addition to being a beneficial mineral for boosting immunity and better thyroid function, selenium is also an important antioxidant that helps fight harmful particles called free radicals. free radicals damage DNA and cell membranes, leading to premature aging and disease. Another antioxidant in shrimp is called astaxanthin. Researches show that this antioxidant, which provides the pigment of the primary color of shrimp, helps reduce inflammation, which is one of the most important factors in aging and disease.

Nutritional value of 100 grams ofshrimp 150-200:
Calories: 99 kcal
Cholesterol: 189 mg
Sodium: 111 mg
Potassium: 259 mg
Protein: 24 g