Salmon troutis an oily fish. its meat is firm and high-fat and the fat is scattered in all parts of the meat. these species are usually born in freshwater, then go to the oceans and return to freshwater to spawn again.

Properties ofSalmon trout:
Controls high blood pressure
Reduces the risk of heart attack
Reduces the risk of stroke

Controls cholesterol levels
Enhances the power of learning
Increases hair health
Maintains the strength of nails

Useful for protecting the skin from UV rays
Reduces the symptoms of epilepsy
Prevents postpartum depression

Nutritional Value ofSalmon trout:
Energy: 231 kcal
Protein: 25/72 g
Fat: 13/38 grams
Cholesterol: 85 mg
Calcium: 28 mg
Phosphorus: 371 mg
Sodium: 60 mg